Saturday, June 3, 2006

Joe will be returning to Iraq for another year. And he didn't seem all that happy about it. Yes, although we were told he would not have to two weeks ago, this is indeed true. The Marines are ghetto like that... I sure as hell do support our soldiers, regardless of my views on the whole war. Joe is strong, I know he can handle himself. It's just weird to think how Naive I was 3 years ago, his first time. Nah, he's going to be fighting out there. Getting shot at. And doing some himself. Things like these make me realize how petty many people's problems were back at MSMS, and how petty other people's problems still are today. Mostly speaking of the drama-related ones, because some situations really were serious.
I can hardly complain about signing my summer away to a fast food job.
Oh yeah, and how the hell did I manage a B in Cal III? It is easily managed, but not when you take the exam with a C for a grade, lol.

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