Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today featured an afternoon game drive in Tangire National Park.! I am sure I will not be the only person to say this, but the landscape is constantly changing it seems. The big difference I noticed is Tarangire seems much drier, flat, and the trees aren’t as lush as they were in Arusha.
Let me backtrack to our arrival after the airport! We had dinner and met Brooke's boyfriend Ben. They are a good match, and our class of girls all agrees on that! After eating we departed down a lantern lit path to our rooms. My friend Kurt would love this place, again I’m constantly finding myself thinking of more people I wish I could share this with.

At night, the avocado trees dropped their fruit, and I don’t hear one fall, not one.
What else fell while I slept? In the morning, we packed and left for breakfast. couldn’t help feeling I was leaving something behind, even though I checked the room. I suppose I’m speaking metaphorically here, because we’re each leaving a part of ourselves behind.

Special mention : Christina landed us each an avocado from Joe at the lodge.

*note* Got slightly stressed to find I needed to call home today! But, thanks to Bailey I made a quick call from her phone and there was nothing to be worried about---just minor misunderstandings concerning study abroad.

*additonal notes*
In Tarangire this afternoon, well, the park was much different from Arusha! Not as close to the monkeys as we were in Arusha, but this park featured many Wildebeast, zebra, and..elephants! Also Impala, guineas, this eagle..and the Superb Starling a lot (quite a name!). Yesterday was really exciting in Arusha, today was a bit more "relaxed" in my opinion. We come back to this park tomorrow morning, in search of lions and a leopard!

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