Monday, July 13, 2009

Montage, tanzania!

For fun, I made this montage of Africa. I'll miss those African Tuskers and agood vitamin/mineral enriched Kilimanjaro (water). The montage is everything from a little bit of nature (flower petals from Rivertrees), to local currency, some notes, and a few things I aquired, along with a postcard I wrote to friend and confidant, and even has a little bit of Uganda in there (beads from Brooke)! And some TZ tea bags.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Dear All,
I had a wonderful time on Safari; Asante sana!
I never thought I'd be going to a place like Africa! And, truthfully, I hope to go back one day. Below, I have two separate postings with my final portfolio. One is my original idea, "Animals in Motion," and the other, "Solitary Figures," which developed as the trip progressed. I knew I wanted to work those images into the final as well. Enjoy! Thanks for being good travel buddies, and thanks Brooke for being superb on safari and watching over all of us!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

TZ final portfolio 2

Solitary Figures

Traveling to Tanzania, I was impressed with the myriad of diverse habitats and terrain we encountered. I became astounded by the individual strength of each person and his or her relationship to the land. In these photos, I show both these various environments and landscapes in which man and nature share a space to the fullest. During my time in Tanzania, I derived inspirtation from both; whether it be the emblematic Baobob tree in the horizon, or a small child in the distance, there is strength to be found in each person, each environment, and each condition.

"A Red Rose Blossoms"

"Marlboro Man"

"Sea of Grass"


"Stealing a Glance Through the Dust"